Thursday, August 02, 2007

for the inquiring mind.

china is a mysterious place and so far away that most of us will probably never visit. i have friends who travel there on business but never have time or resources for research or exploration.

mind you, brazil is almost entirely covered in rain forest and as such lies unexplored also.


BBC said...

They are taking that rain forest away in big chunks, and that is a big worry.

Do you care?

Dr.Alistair said...

see that `68 gold top i`m playing in that picture beside us bill?

brazilian rosewood fretboard. hondouras mahogany body with american maple cap.

yes i care.

the brazilian government decided to allow it`s unemployed citizens to clear rain forest to plant crops,which summarily failed, and exposed the topsoil to rain and wind which carried it off. now the land is desert because the only thing that was holding the soil together was the roots of the trees which were cleared for agriculture.

so much for political solutions.