Thursday, June 25, 2009

ms. fawcett.

she died.

for those of you who still have her poster up on the wall....i have one thing to say.

that`s kinda sad.

i remember when friends of mins got worked up when the thing first came out. those were the guys who`s mothers would allow them to put her image up on thier bedroom wall in the first place.

i could care less.

i was much more taken with the girl next door.

i would have had her picture up on my wall, but i didn`t need to. she was real to me and i was 14 and in heaven.

that`s just me though. i much prefer the real thing. live music, real discussion, the girl next door.

so the poster is dead.

long live the poster.

i guess it`s worth more now that she died....or something.


X. Dell said...

I never owned the poster.

Dr.Alistair said...

yeah, me either. i was into real girls.