Friday, September 19, 2008


hope everyone has a great weekend, taking advantage of what could be the last of the summer heat.

i h ave finally turned the corner on this summer flu, or whatever the hell it was, and i`m lookng forward to getting back to focused training and competition, as the play-offs are here in both my soccer leagues.

i will be back to posting on a more regular basis when i find a deal on a laptop, so that i can post from home and spend abit more time researching my points and following the links on your sites at my leasure. the distractions at the library get to be too much here.

silly me, i thought libraries were supposed to be QUIET!

btw, if anyone local has a laptop for sale let me know.



American Hill BIlly said...

I'm glad your feeling better. Yep, the time for warm fires, a book, and a cup of joe will be upon us soon!!

United In Peace And Freedom

Dr.Alistair said...

cheers....i`m lookjng forward to the quiet evenings.

X. Dell said...

Yeah, Doc, we've already run out of warm weather here in NYC. I don't think it's coming back until April.

I remember it wasn't that long ago when librarians said "shhh" once every five minutes or so. But now, at the local branch library, they have it set up so that the teenyboppers can play Guitar Hero.

Methinks the laptop's a good idea.

And good luck in the playoffs.

Dr.Alistair said...

x, the weather here is stupendous. 75 and humid. the cold will come soon enough though.

my old laptop died a graceful death a few weeks ago without much ado, but i don`t miss the distraction, and as the cold approaches i will descend into the depths of my library for some old fashioned reading.

i may just make a trip to the library every few days to catch up.

and the play-offs begin tonight.

American Hill BIlly said...

Guitar playing in a library??? Gosh, that's great. I'm glad the librarian's have kept up the traditional since of the place?

United In Peace And Freedom

Dr.Alistair said...

air guitar.......shhhhhhh!