Monday, February 16, 2009

family day.

here in ontario today we are experiencing family day. it is a day where people are encouraged to stay home and spend time at home with loved ones.

and the shops are shut.

starbucks is shut.

the mall is shut.

so literally we are forced to sit in close quarters with people who are also bored and tired and stressed from an unexpected change in thier routines due to our provincial leader`s gladhanding of the state of the modern family........

....let the games begin.


so we went bowling. glow-in-the-dark bowling. and i learned a few things.

firstly, my children have played this game before. secondly, my girlfeind has played this game before. a lot. and thirdly, though the shoes leave lots to be desired, i had lots of fun.......even though those little pins take all you have and still remain standing.

personally, i don`t need an act of the provincial legislature to know when to spend time with my family, but it was refreshing to be able to have a time set aside specifically for people like myself, who still believe in family and want to do things with them for no reason other than it feels good.

even though we had to wear those shoes.

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