Tuesday, August 25, 2009

we do need some proof.


creating a dinosaur from a chicken embryo would be really exciting. it would make me want to take a degree in biology. it would give some concrete credence to the theory of evolution. it would scare the shit out of people in the lab.....


Grant said...

I've been foretelling the coming of the Giant Atomic Chickens™ for years.

Dr.Alistair said...

you trademarked the name?


i`ll have to use atomic giant chickens instead....clumsier, but still, get`s the point across.

cathysue said...

THAT would be worth the research $$. and nah, it wouldn't scare us lab types. we would just be standing there in a frankensteinish, god-like stupor amazed by the fact we created a monster.

(longish time reader, first time commenter...i think)

Dr.Alistair said...

hey labcat. thanks for the comment, and the readership.

it would be amazing to see a real live dinosaur..until it crashed out through a wall and across the parking lot, heading for meat....

survival of the fittest.