Monday, August 04, 2008

a recommendation.

see the movie "michael clayton" with george clooney. it deals with the bureaucracy in the only way humanly possible; by telling the truth........


American Hill BIlly said...

Hey, How are you? I will check the movie out when I can. Sounds interesting. I saw a good movie with Samuel Jackson, and Jack Nickelson. It was called:"The Bucket" I think...It had something else in the title, but not sure. It was about ailing dying cancer patients saying to heck with, and living their lives

Peace and Freedom

Dr.Alistair said...

yeah, i`m not waiting for illness to begin living my life.

i rode 40km in the rain on my bike today, spent an hour in the gym, saw two clients and now i`m waiting for my girlfriend to get back from her daughter`s soccer game so we can have a late supper.

i am sure you aren`t waiting either.


American Hill BIlly said...

Riding in the rain sounds good!

sparringK9 said...

sound advice. on not waiting.

Dr.Alistair said...

life is going right now. everywhere. and we are all right in the middle of our own unique universe.

make of it what you will.

an art possibly,or a science.

but just know that it is this moment that occurs with absolute certainty.

like nothing else.