Sunday, March 22, 2009

you can`t make this shit up.


Vincent said...

I'm wondering what's your point, Dr A!

Dr.Alistair said...

it`s just the comparision between the west`s racial apologetics and the tone of the ad and the statement that making fun of race isn`t racism.

my position has always been that whenever we aren`t allowed to make fun of a situation we are being censored, whatever the situation may be, and that censorship builds tension.

this is true of racism, politics, religion, sex, and so on.

whenever humour is restricted, opression is in play.

a joke or two in the classroom makes for a better learning experience, i believe....and in most other environments.

Vincent said...

OK, good, I hoped that was what you meant. Since coming to England from Jamaica 4 years ago my wife is astonished how over-the top this country is about the possibility of causing offence. Her boss once inadvertently said "nigger in the woodpile" in her presence and broke down in tears after - not of course from contrition, but fear that she would be denounced & subjectd to nameless demotions, humiliations, boards of enquiry and what-not. My wife of course was in no way offended.

Dr.Alistair said...

yeah, bureaucracies love the mechanisms of fear.

sparringK9 said...

it looks alot more tasty than the actual obama. i love the packaging! the irony of the product and the illustration that sells it are very much to my liking. all thats missing is a unicorn. i wish we could buy it here.

Dr.Alistair said...

it would start a riot.

another one.....