Friday, August 07, 2009

oh oh....

the article was typical catholic p.r. designed to appease the catholics. my interest was in the comment made suggesting that the crimes are nothing compared to the feminists attack on the family and the damage done there.

unfortunately, there is no group to hold directly responsible for the slanted legal judgements in divorce, alimony and child support payments awarded.

interesting also that we use the term "awarded" without thinking of the semantics involved in the choice of such.

a good friend of mine grew up in antigonish....he only mentioned being terrified of the nuns.


Grant said...

I'm surprised Catholicism hasn't taken Japan by storm, given how much they do to feed and protect their pedophiles.

Dr.Alistair said...

yeah, and we had to nuke `em once already...

...and that`s not racism, or`s called history.

difficult for some to come to grips with, but...fact remains.