Wednesday, March 07, 2007

i stole this from freyashawk

'All men dream: but not equally...the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act out their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.' T.E. Lawrence

but i don`t think she`ll mind.


JLee said...

I like this. It brings to mind good dreamers of technology or artistic things, and bad dreamers, acting out dark things.

Dr.Alistair said...

oh yeah.......

it struck a chord with me. i have always believed in my dreams and stoked them with my desires and actions.

it`s not that we get knocked down, it`s what we do when we get up again......

our dreams form the decisions we make as we rise.

Malnurtured Snay said...

But didn't she steal this from TE Lawrence? So, if she minded, couldn't you just be like, "Suck it!" Or something?

Dr.Alistair said...

that would be one approach, but i`m not sure if the hawk would appreciate the thought.....

Cynnie said...

yeah yeah ,
but one mans dream is another mans nightmare..right ?

Dr.Alistair said...


one man`s dream can become his own nightmare.

we have to be careful what we wish for and dream because dreams and wishes have a habit of coming true.

Dr.Alistair said...

and the dreamers of the day are dangerous men.....

culture wants us sleeping but not percance to dream.

Freyashawk said...

It always was one of my favourite quotes. In the screenplay of 'Lawrence of Arabia', Robert Bolt voiced the concept in a slightly different way: Dryden: 'And let's have no displays of indignation. You may not have know but you have certainly had suspicions. If I've told lies, you've told half lies. And a man who tells lies like me, merely hides the truth, whereas a man who tells half lies, has forgotten where he put it'

The dreamers of the day are those who can summon dreams to change their own reality and consequently, the reality of others.

Dr.Alistair said...

the dreamers are the leaders. who else can?