Tuesday, March 20, 2007

what we don`t know.


Dr.Alistair said...

well, it happened again.

but i know someone will come along and tell me what i meant anyway.

that`s why this is so much fun.

Cynnie said...


I know nothing

BBC said...

And what you don't listen too. Would you know the truth if it smacked you along side the head?

As for your other post and kisses, does this involve boobs? If so, I'm in.

Dr.Alistair said...

well bill......yes.

BBC said...

So I set out fifty cents today and ask Ann (I've known her a few years) if I can buy a cigg from her.

She says "They are in my bra". So I reach in the port side and they are not there. She says, "They are on the other side." So I reach over there and there they are.

But I search a little deeper in the bra while I'm there and she lets me. But I'm not sure I want to go there. Smells like trouble in the future to me.

Boobs always end up being a problem, it was fun for a minute though.

Ticharu said...

I don't know what I don't know... but I'm sure the condition is temporary!

JLee said...

is a lot.

Unknown said...

Hope all is well Dr.A. Haven't seen you in a bit.