Sunday, September 06, 2009

word verification.

the word verification is now officially turned off, so those of you who feel like posting but get to the word verification bit and are overwhelmed with some sort of limb-weakening syndrome....

...problem solved.


Vincent said...

Why not go the whole way and stop comment moderation too?

I never had either on my blog and the worst I have ever had is occasional comments like "Interesting blog! Check out these offers!" with an embedded link. Which you can easily erase.

sparringK9 said...

but you still have comment moderation! why? you are a bad ass - you dont need it. if anybody writes something you dont like i feel certain that you could run rings around them. you break up the flow of conversation. and i bet more people would comment too.

Grant said...

Now I can tell you all about my great offer for a Nigerian mortgage loan so you can afford more Viagara.

Vincent said...

"you are encouraged to comment as you see fit and all comments will be published."

Perhaps you should add that there will be an indefinite delay before they are published pending the blog author's scrutiny of the comment, despite his written undertaking to publish them anyhow.

By which time the commenter has lost interest and moved on.

Dr.Alistair said...

ok then.....

Vincent said...

Woo hoo! Instant comment!

Dr.Alistair said...

well, we are easily entertained!

now i shall be fielding comments from every corner of the globe and every concievable point of view.

i shall have to sharpen up.

richard bandler once pointed out that years ago it took a while to become impatient, but now with microwave ovens we can experience frustration in as little as 30 seconds.