Thursday, May 24, 2007

take this test..........

apparently i`m going to die in 2045 sometime.

i guess i`d better get used to being here for a while longer then.


JLee said...

Mine is Aug 19 2054! Geez, I'll be 87! I'll take that ;)

BBC said...

I'm not taking any frigging test a bunch of monkeys dreamed up. Some random event could take you out today or tomorrow. Nothing is predestined, it's all a crap shoot so make the best of it.

Welcome to chaos. Love everyone but stay away from those Insane Chicks Society ladies. And anymore that's pretty much all of them. Love them but don't try to get too close to them.

I however have a date with one on Monday. LOL

Hey, isn't driving them even more bat shit crazy fair for what they keep doing to us? Paybacks are a bitch.


Anonymous said...

I will expire in September 2052.........

Dr.Alistair said...

bill, honestly, i don`t see it as a payback situation........

and the test discludes random acts of agression from psychotic dates.


Dr.Alistair said...

jlee. you`ll still be spmilng though......

and cj will have over a hundred guitars.

Anonymous said...

April 16, 2076.

93??? Shit.

- "Lisa."

Dr.Alistair said...

"lisa", i guess watching creepy cartoons is good for your health....

Anonymous said...

All the Salad Fingers you can handle.