Wednesday, June 13, 2007


a buddhist goes into a hamburger joint and says, ‘make me one with everything’.


BBC said...

Well, I am the all, so you can see what a mess that is.

Dr.Alistair said...

well, your part of the all lacks the imagination to see the good in all this.

Unknown said...

I'll take that burger also.

Dr.Alistair said...

hey ricardo, how`ve you been?

the burger`s cooking as we speak....

BBC said...

When you find the good, let me know.

BBC said...

Have you noticed???

There ane maggots in your hamburger.


Dr.Alistair said...

watch one of the white stripes videos.....

that`s good.

in the gnostic dogma there is a mad demi-god called the archon, who they believe is the god who created all this confict that we know as life here.......

he`s a tricky bloke apparently and if you spend too much time grinding your colon he will provide you the angst you need to continue.

the good is there if and when you chose to see it.

BBC said...

I see lots of good, it's the maggots that piss me off because it should all be good. I'll do my own post on it tomorrow.

I don't watch videos, I'm using a modem. And no intelligent aware God, mad or not, created all this.

God was not an awareness until life started forming on this planet. It's a miracle and it's evolving. It's that simple, there is no bogyman in the sky God. Period.

Dr.Alistair said...

it should all be good?

what would we have to compare the good to then bill?

we`d all be bored trust fund kids aimlessly wandering through paradise bored to death....wishing for something to happen to liven up the place.

no, the struggle makes the good so sweet.

enjoy it.