Wednesday, May 14, 2008


in the midst of turmoil and challenge we can find a reason celebrate.

in fact we must.

the simple fact that something magical and wonderous is occuring around us all the reason enough to be filled with joy.

even for a moment.

and that moment of elation is enough.

that moment sweeps everything else away.

you know it does.

a smile.

the sight of a flock of geese, like fighter jets flying low.

the perfect cup of coffee.

to ride like the wind.

to know you will fall in love agian.

because you will.


Anonymous said...

Aaahh...yes! At any given moment there is something within it that is beautiful - if you look for it. Stitch enough of these together and you can create a wonderful day.

"To you you will fall in love again" ...yes and yes again.

Dr.Alistair said...

we get what we choose to focus on.

falling in love is a choice.

thanks for commenting ms.q