Friday, August 03, 2007

black triangles.

for those of you unfamiliar with this phenomenon, it consists of the appearance of large black flying trianges of varying sizes, from fighter jet sized objects to football field dimensions to a case on phoenix, arizona where the apparent size of the object was in the order of kilometers.

say what you will about ufos and those who report them, but to have an entire city as witness to a phenomenon that large and pervasive suggests that something warrants further investigation.

what i draw from this, apart from the occurances and the reports from witnesses, is the way the media handles the phenomenon.

the media`s response is to ridicule and to downplay and to otherwise discredit the reporting of consistant and repeated sightings by credible people.

in the case of the phoenix lights there were many video recordings made of the event that are available that show precisely what witnesses report.

so what is one to make of all of this, given the massive event coverage and witness material?

that it is in the interest of some to have this go away and to stop public inquiry.

one cannot say that this is evidence of aliens or super-sentient technology, but it is a study in how crowds react to witnessing the unknown and how the media (government.) wants it to spin.

and many more questions arise without substantial answers.


BBC said...

It's not credible unless I have seen it with my own eyes, and I haven't. Fifty years from now they will still be babbling about crap like that and still not have any solid proof.

But I would like to invite an alien to dinner. Yum, yum.

Dr.Alistair said...

the fact remains that millions of these reports keep coming.

if you live out in the woods you aren`t likely to see all manner of things, and while that`s your choice to do that, you weren`t in phoenix, arizona while all this was happening and men, women and children were watching this event unfold for several hours in the sky above thier heads.

it took a staged media event with a politician and a man in an alien suit to finally ridicule the event before people moved along and went back to thier lives.

we have been conditioned to ridiculing these types of things, which is precisely what you are doing.

X. Dell said...

One of the more common explanations of mass UFO sightings is mass hallucination. In your professional opinion, what are the conditions necessary for mass hallucinations to occur?

Dr.Alistair said...

hmmm. mass hallucinations need to have several things in place. a pre-conditioned group of witnesses, a need to believe and a convincing stimulus. like the virgin mary appearing to a group of children in a field, or lights flying in the night sky.

my point is that the effect is the same.

i make no judgement as to what these people saw. it is a reported and documented fact that something happened to make those people make statements.

the most interesting thing, to me, about the whole thing was how the media and certain politicians reacted to the event.

it seemed really important that a status quo needed to be returned to.

an agency had threatened the worldview of our society, one that church and state work hard to preserve.

it is interesting that both sides of the issue fall into belief automatically.

is "i don`t know" not an answer?

Dr.Alistair said...

and calling something an hallucination is not an explanation.

calling something an hallucination may placate the sheep, but to me it`s like throwing a dog a bone. off he goes to sit in the corner and gnaw.

meanwhile the question still remains.

Dr.Alistair said...

and i never once said aliens......