Sunday, August 05, 2007


i`ve posted this little gem before, but here it is again for your edification.

and he doesn`t say anything about oranges. or nuts. or most other food sources, like cows........


X. Dell said...

Okay. I was waiting for the punchline, the statement that makes folly of this guys faulty reasoning.

Dr.Alistair said...

actually there are other postings on youtube deconstructing the faulty reasoning, but i figured that my readers were able to do that for themselves.

and when he takes the banana and illustrates how perfectly in fits in his mouth i couldn`t believe it.

sparringK9 said...

ive seen this before.

far more entertaining is the you tube where triumph the insult comic dog goes to the tony awards red carpet, and drops some fragrant steamers. there is a god! go triumph!

damn this word veri

sparringK9 said...

well on my pages you get tits AND tats. i am a full service blogger.

the word veri this time is:
"ublew" grrrherherhaha

Dr.Alistair said...

that`s funny.......

i had a post some time back where i encouraged people to post thier word verification letters and some were quite um, illuminating.

i`m not sure why it is referred to as blow though, in my experience it has been the opposite.

sparringK9 said...

reverse logic i spose