Wednesday, August 22, 2007


well, someone has to be.

generally when i`m called selfish it is because i haven`t given someone something they believe they are owed.

we are back to obligation once again.


Anonymous said...

You know how to take but never say "Thank you"

This has nothing to do with obligation but ethics, morals, values!!!

It's nice to have someone in your life who can say thank you!

Anonymous said...

Look around you, What do you have to be selfish about??

Dr.Alistair said...

i stopped taking because i didn`t want to play that game any longer and didn`t need to be drawn into some finger-pointing about who gives most and who is most grateful or whatever.....

ethics, morals, values?

that just confirms that i made the right decision.

and what do you mean, what do i have to be selfish about?

BBC said...

Yes, I know a lot of selfish people, but I don't give to them for very long because I owe them nothing.

I live next door to a wonderful woman that is always thanking me for the things I do for her.

And I always thank her for the things that she does for me.

I even thank her when I take meals to her and share them with her. And she thanks me back.

What a wonderful woman she is. It's too bad that she doesn't turn my crank because she is the most wonderful woman.

Dr.Alistair said...

and i don`t say thank you because i feel uncomfortable with the gift......

so i`ll just have to get used to being called selfish because i don`t want to have anything more to do with someone who needs to give gifts all the time.

and bill, just accept the friendship will last longer than, er, crank-turning.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dr.A, have you been loving them and leaving them again?
You said you`d call. Promises, promises.

Dr.Alistair said...

hey, i never said when...........

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

People don't need to give, some just like to be kind to others
It's too bad you cannot see the goodness in peoples hearts without thinking that expect something!
Maybe that is just rare in your life but not in mine!

Judging by the previous comment this seems to be a pattern for you!

Anonymous said...

If he wants space, give him space.

Anonymous said...

LOL! This woman isn`t making things easier for herself. If she`s that angry she should try revenge.
Probably won`t make him come running back though.

Anonymous said...

............or as we say, "KooKoo for Cocoa Puffs...

Dr.Alistair said...

is kookoo for cocoa puffs in the dsm iv?

supro-man, is that really you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, it really is Supro-Man. Faster than a speeding Jack White on his Airline and stronger than a boat anchor Gibson ES-1275 wielding Jimmy Page during a marathon live workout of Stairway to Heaven!

dsm iv?

Anonymous said...

This lady who is angry with you I have known her for over 15 years. She never forgets my birthday and calls me every other month to say hello and asks for nothing in return. In the past we were very close but our friendship remains because I know how special she is to me.

I had told her from day one that you were not right for her but she insisted by telling me that you had a lot of good qualities.

I was hoping she would have proved me wrong about you but from one male to another I could see right through your act!

As for revenge she is too kind and would not waste her time on you.

Your loss and my gain because she will always be my friend and I love her for that!!


Anonymous said...

All super-heroes should know this shit.

Dr.Alistair said...

pattern? i`m not sure i understand.

supro-man, have a happy birthday.

and if you get an es-1275 let me know.

Dr.Alistair said...

"j", i`m going to type this slowly so that you will understand.......when you make profound judgements about someone, just remember that you give that person permission to do the same to you, a permission which i will not indulge myself with.

your dogmatic moralising has made you forget one simple thing; i have a perfect right to live my life as i see fit and choose not to continue with your friend.

franky, i`m unsure as to the motive for your post here, and i do hope that your intentions are civil and sincere, because we are dealing with some serious issues.

i haven`t lost anything in this. we had some wonderful experiences together which i don`t revise into regret, but i wasn`t prepared to continue into another committed relationship and broke contact.

and between males, you really should know better than to attempt to provoke without some understanding of the territory.

and seeing as you are so close, maybe you could suggest she not continue calling me and posting on my blog, because it would be best for her well-being to do so.

and to conclude what has to be the strangest post i`ve ever recieved here, i suggest you take the same advice.

Anonymous said...

...............take the rabbit stew off the stove before it starts to boil over and burn someone.

Dr.Alistair said...

supro, dude......we`re trying to have a serious conversation....but that is funny.

as always, you come through in the clutch.

rabbit stew......ha ha haaaa ha ha.....