Saturday, September 15, 2007


rhymes with kitty..........

and i figured out the hypertext thingy.


Anonymous said...

Very clever Doctor.

Dr.Alistair said...

well that`s the beauty of the english language......

my first and most enduring love.

Dr.Alistair said...

like this for instance;

those women who frequent picture palaces

tend to resist psychoalalysis

and sigmund freud is fequently annoyed

that they cling to thier long-standing fallacies.

BBC said...

No, you haven't figured out the hypertext thingy yet, but you are closer. When you get it right it will look like a simple link, like this.


BBC said...

Besides, the English language is a piece of crap, and anyone with real intelligence knows that. :-)

Anonymous said...

I think i get it.Fallacies,
Very funny.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes it is.