Saturday, September 01, 2007


tired.............. no, exhausted is the word i`m looking for. recently things have gotten a little hectic in this little corner of existance, and while there is still the simple joy in witnessing the abundance in all of this, there comes a point where one must just rest.

so i will say thanks to one and all for the comments and contributions, but i will be posting less in the next short while so that i can physically and mentally rest.



Anonymous said...

You need to get your strength back for all the crazy women attacking you on your blog.

And check for bunny-boilers in the future dude.

Just sayin`.

BBC said...

I think that the whole world is getting tired, of all the bullshit.

I'm taking a few days off from painting and getting caught up on some things around here.

Maybe I can find time to get to the hot springs.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me too - still have those yoga texts and other good material to consume. Plus on top of all that's going on, I got nicely sandwiched on the road, which totaled my SUV (which was soon to help me move out!), and I had to crawl out the window. I'm ok, just sore in places and sleeping lotzzzzzzz thanks to muscle relaxants.

Dr.Alistair said...

oh caped one, you don`t know the half of it.........

billy, enjoy the hot springs.

greg, i don`t know what to say about the suv except that i`m sure you are appreciating living just a little more right now.

Anonymous said...

actually I'm never not appreciating life, but yeah ...
and you could say "hope you get a nice settlement!!" :D

Dr.Alistair said...

i meant is spectatorship, living is the dynamic of action-at-will.

accidents have a nasty habit of interfering with that.

and i do hope you get a nice settlement.

dealing with insurance companies is like dealing with ex`s.

they believe the money flow only goes one way.

X. Dell said...

Trust me, I know where you're coming from. Hope to see you back when I come back for real.

Dr.Alistair said...

x, thanks for the hello. i need a few more days rest and then it`s back to regularly sceduled programming........