Sunday, April 23, 2006

well. it takes real courage to look hard enough into yourself and decide that you are going to treat yourself well enough for it to be considered love...........and when you begin to do this then you can begin to dare to look deeply into the souls of others too.
but not before.
you will be blind.
you will fail to make the distinctions needed to choose those who care enough about themselves to not harm you...............until you choose to be that for yourself.
after that you will never see anything the same way again.
but the warning here is to realise that as you go through this process of seeing and listening and feeling in different ways you will begin to reject things powerfully that you may have desperately clung to for years. and you may also find yourself needing to be in and around other situations and people too.
the whole thing is going to turn upside down.
are you ready?
can you swim?
when your eyes begin to become accustomed to the new light you will begin to see others who care about themselves deeply.
not in an ego driven way, but in a peaceful and powerful way that you may suddenly notice for the first time and you will say, "wow, i have to have some of that" and at that moment you will begin to.
when you passionately and deeply mind your own business it builds your power...............and power is what we need in this world to live peacefully, so that we can solve our issues and meet our goals and thrill to the wonder of what is unfolding around us all the time.
we really can only see what we know in pay attention to the messages that are coming at you for the next little while.....there is a little bird trying to say something to you.
feel the unconditional love that you have for yourself now. know that you don`t have to earn it. the love exists as the natural resting and dynamic moving state of energy in the universe. you are part of that.
that`s why it`s unconditional.
without conditions.
ask a lawyer, he`ll tell you.
the only conditions that exist are borne out of fear and uncertainty...............and the expectation of some exchange of value based on future efforts or providing of products or know, like a marriage.........
what a joke.
if you continue to earn money.............i`ll still love that o.k.?
we have legalised and put%

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