Friday, April 21, 2006

towards the developement of a thesis for a model of unconditional love for the self.

this is the begining of developing a model of unconditional love for the self. it will be formed in modules that can be used as evaluative and developemental tools. the first module will deal with recognition, or cognition of the state of internal structures that constitute unconditional love for the self.
in the begining we are helpless to the world and are reliant on others for our survival. as we grow we develop skills to get what we need in more and more articulated ways. this is true for those around us that we are interacting with. virtually all of our focus is on the world outside our minds and bodies. this focus makes us reliant on others in sophisticated ways. we have become dependant on others for so much of everything that we do that it creates a split in our psyche to the point where we have a difficult time seperating the self out from society.
we become a slave to the feelings of others as a byproduct of this split.
we worry what others think more than we focus on our own needs.
we are put off by negative opinions about ourselves.
we get manipulated into doing things and tolerating things that we don`t want to do and that are potentially destructive.
and so the list goes on about how we get pushed about like a boat without a sail set adrift on the high sea.
so, here we are after being manipulated once again and saying the same thing again. "i`ll never have that happen to me again."
and it`s won`t. but you`ll close the door on every other opportunity to experience life in joy in the process. that`s what it means to be hardened in battle. the bombs don`t startle you anymore and you can sleep through the screams and gunfire.
but what about life and living.......away from the battlefield?
we take a huge chance in opening up as we go through life`s disappointments out of fear of the same thing happening again.
until we start to take our consciousness seriously.
until we realise that our self is important.
the most important.
first. and possibly even second too.
and smile while looking for someone or group of people who think the same way.
how can you tell who they are?
by being honest with your desire to love, cherish and honour yourself. tell others how you feel. and listen for the responses.
the more you do this you will find out who the other people are who feel good enough about themselves to let you have your love and share it with you and add thier own.
to many in our society are waiting for something if they are entitled to something first. that`s pure ego at work. like the child in the crib who has no choice but to rely on mum and dad for everything.
unconditional love opens up a gate of energy that flows through you from the universe and out back into the universe again. we don`t own it any more than we own the air that we breathe or the water we drink. we piss it right out again as soon as we`re done with it anyway.
same with a smile. you can`t keep it so don`t try to keep it trapped inside. let it out.
unconditional love is that energy that flows through you.
it causes the feelings of wanting to open the gate and it`s the feeling of having the gate open up. and it`s the recognition of the feelings in yourself and in others........when you are ready.
unconditional love for the self is too big to try to keep inside, so don`t try.
as you get comfortable with this flow of energy others will see it and then the next lesson will come..................

1 comment:

Dr.Alistair said...

as the recognition grows there develops moments where you realise that you are alive and loving everything.......all at the same time. if there is ever a gap, it is caused when we forget love, however briefly, and give in to anger etc.....but we can catch ourselves and then smile in recognition and forgive ourselves right then and there.