Thursday, November 09, 2006

definitions of god.

i the last posts we seem to be touching on differences regarding the difinition of god.

to me god is the creator of everything we can possibly see, hear, smell, touch and taste and react to emotionally.

some feel as if this person or entity is a disincarnate consciousness that is outside of our scope of understanding and that we should accept this on faith and just go about our business and let the priests update us as things progress.

that works for some.

some feel as if god is a mad spirit doing what he wants randomly. the archon of gnostic belief.

some feel as if we are all different parts of the same consciousness split up into billions of micro-consciousnesses all experiencing this reality from different perspectives.

i feel as if we are all an individual god of our own personal universe that may in some way co-incide with the god idea of the last paragraph. i also feel in some way that we`ve been on this ride before and we are trying to get a better result this time.
then there are moments where it all seems so totally random as to be almost be futile..............but then the sun comes out and the birds sing and a beautiful girl smiles.

what i do know is that what one focusses on long enough becomes real.

so the random/futile shit gets file 13.

and i will choose free will.


Jim said...

God is action, movement, and ultimately thought itself in its' own movements by its' own nature, and everything that can be sensed, known or 'thought' by us, is of that source.

Then we are just a part of the manifest 'seeing' of a part of that, at a point of that, and, whether 'here' or 'there', that is all we do, but it is 'us' in the doing of it, we too are a verb, God is speech in ways that for us here is real but unimaginable, speech is manifestation points of thought.

Just thought I would try my hand at this. Thanks for your comment and visit to my blog, I wish I had more time to read your blog sooner, you are very interestiing and so too, your thoughts. I will try over time to do so, forgive me for my lack. Thanks again.

Dr.Alistair said...

we are all struggling to come to terms with this conscious experience called life. i find the blog environment a good place to air out my views regarding this process and shrinking myself down through the eye of the semantic needle so that i can try to explain my views for others, and ultimately, for myself once again. thanks for your comments jim. i`m glad you found something of interest.