Wednesday, November 01, 2006

life is a trance.

the successful are in a trance. the poor are in a trance. the middle class are in a trance. these trances are made up of a combination of things, from pre-concieved ideas to social pressures to on-going natural attitude to so many other factors that it`s impossible to guage.

the fact remains that the trance that the successfull are in is available to anyone.

i`ll repeat that last statement now.

the fact remains that the trance that the successful are in is available to anyone.

unless you refuse to try.

why would a person refuse to try?

pre-concieved ideas about how things are..............beliefs about themselves and about the world. moral and ethical cluster-fucks that impede a person`s ability to change thier state consistantly enough to do things differently.


so when you stop believing in all the irrational fear you can easily change your state of mind by deciding to do it.........

and then be patient enough to let it happen. let the opportunities come. let the solutions be provided. become part of the picture you dare to see as a result of the shift in your focus.

this becomes your new trance.

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