Wednesday, January 11, 2006

a bit about dimensions...................

we live in a 3d world. up/down, left/right, back/forward. all of this moves forward in time, the way our consciousness percieves things.
imagine how a 2d cosciousness would percieve things.
back/forward, left/ up or down.
the entire up/down modality of our existance would be invisible to a 2d consciousness. if anyone in a 2d world found a way to move up or down, they would only flick into view as thier movement crossed the 2d plane. depending how fast a person was moving relative to the 2d space they would only be seen as a flash or blip.
just as a consciousness that can move back and forth in time will only be seen by 3d entities at the point where they intersect the 3d cube.
time exists at right angles to all points in the 3d cube. that`s why we can`t actually see time travelling consciousness in 3d space.
it`s the same reason that consciousness in the 2d plane has no access to 3d movement or consciousness.
at this point (cube, in 3d.....) i will stop so that the concept can sink in.
if it does actually sink in, let me know. i`m still working on it.


McCoy said...

This same concept is discussed in Ouspensky’s Tertium Organum. The same concept you are explaining here is explained thus: a spring-like coil travels through a two dimensional plane, to the “plane being” this intersection would appear as a circular motion (the illustration helps). This helped me grasp that my limited perspective may indeed be quite illusory.

Dr.Alistair said...

it is interesting that you mention the coiling effect. i read a book on dowsing when i was a kid. the writer talked about coiling energy up and out in response to the dowsing process. it`s all about accessing the higher dimension through process. the artist, musician, mystic or shaman coils out into the next dimension to access thier muse.
the vision brought back is a signal to the consciousness of the observer of the work provided by the artist.
it is a natural action of consciousness to be able to do this. it is the clang and clatter of consumer culture that shouts the process down, though i imagine it would be easy to slip the bounds of time and space if you spent too much time wandering the aisles of walmart, forgetting what you were looking for.
it`s all an illusion. that`s the highest message of the mystics. any consciousness, on any plane, is experiencing thier dimensions of conscious as an illusion. the first time one slips out of one`s illusion can be quite frightening, especially if one is surrounded by dogmatists. having faith in what one knows is the first step in acceptance of the illusion and being able to cope with the fluidity of the predicament.

McCoy said...

“having faith in what one knows is the first step in acceptance of the illusion”, to me it seems quite the opposite, having faith in what one does not know is the acceptance of illusion, and the beginning of understanding. Faith in knowledge is the first step in the acceptance of dogma.

Funny about walmart, I find it produces the same kind of void as the ganzfeld effect for me, I just space out to a blur of nothingness.

Dr.Alistair said...

it`s all ganzfeld to me. all of what we have here that we call culture. that includes all the t.v. i don`t watch, the newspapers i don`t open and the media driven conversation i overhear at starbucks. real art and culture comes from drawing down the higher realms into this dimension. a report back from the edge. as an "artist?" i see my role as a reporter of the unseen. the confidence i have is in the accuracy of this process. not in a dogmatic way. i`m not going to preach this. gurdjieff and his friend ouspensky were chasing a way to discover a method of producing enlightenment. i read a little book the ouspensky wrote about travelling across europe with g. and g`s wife and a group of followers during the war. g`s wife became sick and died during the journey. it was a wonderful book. i misplaced it years ago. i would love another copy but can`t find one. it was a great insight into not only the process of the teacher/student relationship, but also the inadequacy of language to portray the perception of consciousness in the higher planes of awareness.
language as a code produces space and time in three dimensions. we either need a different set of words or a new code to be able to transcend as a species.
i have long felt that emotion is the code we can use to transcend. when we learn the language of emotion the we can codify it to allow us to access states that words cannot convey.
one has to feel it.
it is the cornerstone of my work in behaviour change and in my personal growth.