Monday, April 03, 2006


ok, so here`s the thing. people aren`t happy. they aren`t content. they aren`t able to sit in a restaurant without looking at what other people are getting. and we can`t even resist the urge unless we understand what it is we are going to resist.
from the time we are little we are told to be aware of the feelings of others. we are told to be good, kind and courteous to those we know and those we don`t. we are constantly on the lookout for how others are doing. this goes inside on a deep level and we create more and more complex games of involvement other people`s stuff. it gets to the point where we are automatically judge, jury and executioner and chief of police. we then look to the actions of others based on thier choices, desires and religion and politics. we earn money and look down on those who have less than we do and resent those who have more than we do. it creates this pressure in our spirit that binds us to constant anger and resentment that simmers under the psychic surface, only to flare up when we find the guilty party.
stop it.
stop caring.
stop wanting to be seen as good.
stop interfering in the lives of others.
stop raising money for some new dumbass charity. (you have no clue where the money will end up anyway.)
stop judging. now. like that..............
when the thinking and the comparing and the rationalisation stops it will be like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders and when that moment comes with it will come the certain realisation that you will never allow the weight to be put back on again.
all the petty niggling and comparing and anxiety of living up to and being better than.....goes away.
what falls into the space you create in your mind is a comfortable peace that you can fill with anything you choose.......try a smile.
try another one.
let your life be lead by smiles. just for you......and for the next smiling face. it`s addictive.
imagine if there were a few billion more people just not interfering and getting behind causes and religion and environmentalism and politics..........we`d have less need for guns to defend ourselves.
that`s something to smile about.


Dr.Alistair said...

babies are made of that stuff.......

Dr.Alistair said...

nice. from what i know of aikido, it is a deeply spiritual and yet powerful martial art. i was first exposed to aikidi by an actor called steven segal. he made a series of movies featurung his mastery of aikido and focussed of the flow of the energy within him as he fought the bad guys. i studied some of the spiralling techniques and applied them to soccer.

Dr.Alistair said...

any practice of the body includes the mind, and any practice of the mind includes the body. the spins, spirals and arcs described and practiced in aikido are exactly the same as used in soccer. it is a method of converting energy that is directed in a straight line to one that curves. the energy projected out from an attacker is converted into a curved shape by the aikido master, directing th force of a blow away and back toward the attacker. the energy is kept in motion and used against the assailant. this is true in linguistics also.
matter is an illusion. there is only energy.

Dr.Alistair said...

laughter is the music of the universe.........
and i have noticed some unusual verifications as well. coincedance?
here`s a coincedance. the other day we moved our clocks ahead for daylight savings time and two of my friends asked me to fix thier digital watches for them within an hour of eachother....mild coincedance. then, when i got home my youngest boy came at me to fix his digital watch too. he hasn`t worn the thing in months.