Saturday, November 11, 2006


What is a gnostic?A gnostic is someone who lives by the truth of gnosis which says that the divine can only be experienced through personal experience, achieved through introspection, awareness and respect for all other beings because all beings contain the divine spark. Gnosis is available to anyone at any time.Gnostics, like any revolutionaries, are motivated by love and compassion for others. We are teachers of self re-discovery in an age of fear and personal distrust. We are not elitist – the divine intuition is available to anyone and everyone. We are not world hating – we are against anything that crushes the divinity in the relationships between living beings.The primary goal of the gnostic is the end of all “gnostics” – the rediscovery of the profundity of experience by every being which renders the term useless; the dismantling of the Black Iron Prison in gnostic mythology.

i got this definition of a gnostic in my travels. if i`ve swiped someone`s writing i apologise but i think the message is important enough to be clarified this way.

as you might have guessed, this definition best describes my spiritual position.

the divine can only be experienced by personal experience.

the priests are fabulists.........................


Vincent said...

I believe you got those words from Dan Bartlett unless he merely copied them from someone else.

I like that definition too and on that basis would accept the label of "gnostic". Except for one thing: it seems to be a kind of movement where they consider themselves as "we" and have a goal. Personally I am not temperamentally inclined to that, having had enough of movements for this lifetime. There is always the risk they are taken over by charismatic personalities, distorted, commercialised and corrupted. Better to be alone in the world, standing for no one else but "me", with nothing to defend.

Dr.Alistair said...

thanks yves. i wasn`t sure, after i cut and pasted, where the words came from.

regarding the gnostic movements, like any other type of movement they tend to become cultlike. that is the nature of organisations. the police, government, sports teams, the army, ken wilber................benny hinn. the list goes on.