Friday, August 18, 2006


better living through..............

when you are happy, take the time to find the reasons why.

the reasons why are the map of your neuro-chemical happy pill.

take the time to learn the reasons why because when you need to get a happy fix you know where to go to get it.

we want to do so many things.........
but we need to be happy.

the rolling stones wrote a song about it once.

"if you try sometime, you just might find..............."

stop chasing after something you think you want...........especially when it keeps on hurting.
(now i`m talking to myself.)
and go get what you need.


rama said...

Hullo! Thanks once again for sharing these valuable insights and experiences. Best, rama

Dr.Alistair said...

experience is the best teacher, eh rama..........if you could see her you would see what i mean.
it has taken all my strength and training to let this attachment pass.
cheers rama.

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, need help.

Anonymous said...

How to be and be happy.
To be and not to become. That is the answer.
Daydream. But don't let people notice it. By not suppressing it. This is meditation.