Monday, August 07, 2006

powerful test.

i do go on at length about how we store and process information in our heads. i cleverly point out that we see pictures and we hear voices in our minds and we get feelings as a result..........and this is true, but there is something that i have never really delved into here so much until recently as i have been faced with a personal crisis. the power of strong feelings for someone not ready to reciprocate.
so i have to knuckle down to the harsh reality of dissecting my own internal sub-modalities in regard to this other person and methodically diminish all of the stimulus that she has provided me over the space of the last few weeks.
i have diminished the pictures of her in my mind, turned down her voice and watched the feelings that those images triggered diminish in kind.
each time i do this the feelings receed further and over time i will forget how she made me feel.
and tomorrow the sun will rise in the east and all will be well.


Anonymous said...

Is it really that simple ?

Dr.Alistair said...

well.............there are good and there are bad days. i am love sick. the diminishing of feelings works to get me through my days, but then tuesday comes and i see her again and we talk and sit together and smile and it all starts over again.
a good friend of mine said that i have to realise that she has the same feelings too. she deals with them differently.
i was staggered.
what a crazy ride it is with a girl who can do that.
i am still living in the house with my ex though.
`til tuesday.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes, the deep breathing helps. i am able to keep myself together around her though.....that`s the funny thing. she says i`m so calm. it`s all i can do not to scream out my feelings. there are moments where i wish she would tell me that she has a boyfriend or something. i would sincerely understand........
she has feelings for me though..........i know that. whether they are enough remains to be seen.

thank you anu, for your kind words.