Friday, September 29, 2006

i am a frieght train.

when i ride by the train tracks sometimes the go train passes, its green and white carriages full of commuters off to the city. occasionally in inter-city train whistles by flying to calgary or vancouver or across the border to buffalo and beyond. the real thrill is the freight trains though............these guys have two or three diesels and the carriages can stretch back for miles. when one of these passes at full throttle i can feel the pull of 10,000 horsepower deep in my guts, pushing my legs faster as they pass. it is in moments like this that i recognise the power and strength of everything around me, from the tiniest of flowers in the grass to the giant frieght trains pulling beside me to the mountains and the sky above.

we are connected to it all and when we spend the time to notice we can feel it. when we were children we did it without concern or fear. what happened?

we became desensitized for whatever personal reason and turned the sensitivity avoid the pain possibly, but in the process we have turned off the miracle that is going on around us all the time. the blindingly beautiful movie that is playing 24 hours a day. we have a ticket and reserve seating and plenty of seating for a guest or two.

or ten thousand.

and coincedentally, the show is about to begin once more............right outside your window.

1 comment:

Dr.Alistair said...

you are welcome........if you can feel that even for a brief moment then you are free.........and can return to the memory any time.