Saturday, July 07, 2007

and while i`m busy at it.........

if you have learned anything here at hypgnosys hopefully it will be something about thinking for yourself and taking time to research claims made in the media.

read the page linked above carefully and tell me what you think.


Anonymous said...

These are interesting pages, but they don't count for anything. He doesn't cite his sources. He posits several things as "facts" but doesn't back them up. Why should we believe him and more than the "bush clinton cabal?"

Dr.Alistair said...

anthony, regarding astrophysics, he is his own source.

regarding the money issue, try beginning at the beginning.


more fuel for questions than answers in and of themselves, and as i warn everyone who begins to delve into can`t see things that same way afterwards.

you begin to realise that we are all feudal serfs digging in the dirt.

BBC said...

No sir, I have not learned a thing here. But then I wasn't here to learn, only to teach.

Are you ready for your report card?

Dr.Alistair said...

really? bill, i`m surprised.......

have you read yours?