Monday, July 09, 2007


an ongoing experiment with the themes of the interconnectivity of things expressed in two dimensions with the added illusion of depth and motion.


BBC said...

Depth is about six inches. Proper motion and spirituality is what makes it interesting. And fantastic.

Ah hell little buddy, just go screw one of those little monkeys and don't worry about a spiritual journey or you will go without sex for seven years like I have.

Anonymous said...

On an unrelated topic, here is a twin of your Dean on eBay. Keep an eye on it to see what the final selling price will be. Should give an indication of what the market will pay for them these days:

Dr.Alistair said...

spiritual journey? we don`t have a choice in the um, "matter".....

Dr.Alistair said...

and chris......the dean on e-bay is a lot better condition than mine. it`s looks as if it`s never been played. beautiful, if not lonely for touch, like some of those starbucks girls.

Unknown said...

I really like this one.

Dr.Alistair said...

thanks ricardo. it is gratifying to be able to get my feelings onto canvas and also to have others pleased with the results.