Monday, January 01, 2007

are you willing to die for what you believe.

are you willing to die for what you believe?

are you willing to vote for laws to prevent the practice of certain beliefs?

are you willing to crusade for your beliefs?

are you willing to ruin someone`s day argueing about beliefs?

you may be a christian.

if you can temper the cultural conditioning of fighting for what you believe in then you may be on the road to becomeing less of a beligerent prick who turns people off before they have a chance to become turned on.

and wouldn`t you like to be in the position to turn someone on occasionally?


Vincent said...

I suspect that your post will have as little effect on those you have labelled "belligerent pricks" as Bush Junior has when he calls his enemies "evil"

Dr.Alistair said...

interesting response.........