Friday, January 19, 2007

no apologies.

i make no apologies for my indulgance regarding the guitar videos.

all that i ask is that you have some patience. i will tire of the thrill soon enough and return to grinding on about spiritual this and that.................

but in the meantime there will be a few more rips up and down the fretboard occasionally, because this is my blog and i can pretty much do as i please.

which makes me think...........


BBC said...

I asked about the keyboard because you never use capital letters much. Not even in your profile.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes, i don`t. ever.

and interestingly enough people seem to understand what i`m typing, so it would seem that the practice of capitalisation is redundant......

and i realise that you asked out of sincere curiosity so i hope that my remarks aren`t taken as flippant.......because they aren`t intended that way.

i realised at an early age that a fair bit of what we have taken on as "knowledge and understanding" is in fact, guilding the lily, or makework for pseudo-intellectuals.

my deliberate avoidance of the capitals also sends the pedantic scurrying. i don`t have time for that with the things we get up to here.......

Vincent said...

Don't worry about asking indulgence, I have not checked the guitar videos! Don't really like videos . . . .