Wednesday, October 11, 2006

list of things we want to attract.

now here`s the fun part. once we have established the feeling of gratitude and the power it generates then we take the bold step of asking a creative universe for what we want.

realise that we have been doing it all along anyway.

if you are surrounded by things that you are unpleased`s because you`ve breathed life into these things and processed them over and over. the universe then says, "ok, your wish is my command." and manifests more.

so to turn the tables make a list of what you want, where you want to be and what you want to do and what you want to have.

that`s right. what you want to have. we live in a material reality and so things manifest here in material forms.

i want an apartment/ office suite so that i can live and work in the same environment.

i want a decent car and the income to support payments and insurance.

i want my business to attract the attention of businesses and individuals looking to grow with me.

i want to fill my life with my creative endevours, my music, painting and poetry that i have turned my back on because of............well, you know, not seeing in the positive.

the thrill i get from playing guitar and painting rich deep colours and shapes and from forming words into intricate emotional stories is immesurable.

i got the apartment/ office yesterday. precisely the way i have explained how to here. the rest will come as i continue to see it so and be greatful for the abundance.

the law of attraction is simple. what you see is what you get.


that`s why i don`t read the newspaper.

you have to ask yourself, do i want that to focus on the news, or the joy of all that is magnificent and creative and ours to play with?.......until mum calls us in for tea.

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