Thursday, October 05, 2006

we have to get a grip.

i had a shit morning. spent the evening reading my ex`s legal position regarding our legal battle over assets and fought to not own the opinion she was putting to the court.
it is a shame that she has to denigrate another human to protect her claim to 100% of the value of the matrimonial home. it is a shame that she has to denigrate the position of the father of her children. it is a shame that she actually believes what she hass written to submit to the court.

i found the strength, once i got my second espresso in me, to transcend the mood i was in and to realise that i have other, more important things to do with my life than to allow myself to get caught in a rut.

i did what i tell others to do. choose good feelings for no reason.

what does this mean?

it means do what it takes to distract yourself from whatever triggers the shit feelings.

it means search to figure out why you got into the shit mood in the first place.

because we are naturally joyous and playful`s circumstance that disrupts the joyous flow.

so i sat and had my coffee and read 67 pages of douglas coupland`s new book, jpod.
and you know what? i did start to feel better..............released from the other state and free to choose another mood. one of my creation. one filled with sunlight and energy and creativity.

we have to get a grip. we have the means to. next time you feel like shit, let it flow and go, knowing that it will pass eventually. honour yourself, don`t be reckless and take hostages and when the mood lifts you will be in a position to recieve the natural state of joy that is the knowledge of being alive.

and, yeah, jpod is a funny little trip of a book so far. if you find yourself in a book store poke through it if you have a moment or two. see how your mood shifts.


Dr.Alistair said...

well, nice of you to say, but we all have different views about how lives should be lived, children raised, etc. my ex and i just had too many different views to continue.

the morning was a challenge.......a test of my consciousness. i`m glad to say it improved.

Dr.Alistair said...

where do i find the book?

Dr.Alistair said...

perhaps you could describe the game so we could all play?

Dr.Alistair said...

well, the glad game has helped you to find a positive meaning in all of this.
the glad game has allowed me to see that i am glad to be seperate from the mother of my children and the control issues, and even though i believe still that it will cause the children damage as we continue in our legal battle, i am glad that the break-up is over and we are all onto the next phase, which is restructuring our lives in new ways.
thank you for sharing.

Dr.Alistair said... the movie called the me.