Friday, October 13, 2006

two things.

well, actually three.

firstly, which is staggering.......(to me anyway.)

secondly, i am having a difficult time responding to comments since i changed to blogger beta. i will keep trying.

thirdly, yves, while i understand that the single-minded chasing of money for money`s sake is the cause, or certainly a large part of, the problem facing society today, i think you`ve misunderstood my position regarding success. there are two other pillars. health and wisdom. both of which are as valuable and mut be pursued as vigourously as money. to deny any of the elements renders the system unstable. i have seen too many bright people tragically broke and struggling while pursuing philosophical nirvana and doing pushups in a cold-water flat........
it`s about balance and harmony.
the law of attraction applies.


Vincent said...

Thanks for responding to my point, Alistair. "Too many bright people tragically broke and struggling while pursuing philosophical nirvana . . . "? In which country? Where was the tragedy? Did their children die of hunger and ratbites? Are you sure you are not exaggerating?

All the same, I do enjoy your posts. Best wishes, always.

Anonymous said...

I'm not certain, but I think I noticed something about the new blogger beta. For awhile I was automatically logged out, everytime I tried to log back in using the username & password I had saved, it brought me to the old blogger dashboard. Even if I tried logging in to it still forwarded me to my old dashboard and locked me out of the new blogger beta dashboard.

It normally says that you can use your username or as your login... But I found out that if I use my username, it'd automatically forward me to the old blogger dashboard. If I used as the username, it'd forward me to the new blogger beta dashboard. Perhapse that's where the issue is? I was perplexed for a few days trying to figure out how to log in to the new blogger beta. Hope that helps

Vincent said...

I just followed your link to the book by Rodolfo Llinas. I think he has something there, a pointer in a useful direction and not any ultimate answer of course.

Try also The Feeling of What Happens by Antonio Damasiom "one of the world's leading experts on the neurophysiology of emotions".