Sunday, October 08, 2006

the competitor.

i made this card last year for tim boucher`s website. i posted it at and it get so many hits back here that i thought i`d repost it for those who missed it.

honest, brutally honest. valid. true. we can create and when turned around, for whatever reason, e can destroy with equal ability.


Anonymous said...

Very cool idea to have both sides of the same guy in a Tarot card.

So the next thing..., is this thing some of us do, when we all have both sides, and we agree, to provide a buffer, a chance for our friends to run before we turn into the wareworlf.

Notice the guy on the card, has open space behind him, so basically if he gets goofy, then he will have plenty of space to run away, before somebody who would forget competition and just kick his ass, gets started.

The one thing a competitor cannot tolerate is pillow talk, when his woman quietly lays there in bed with him, she knows who and what he wants to be, the model of himself he is striving for, and slowly..., but surely, she basically tells him, that he is trying to become more like me.

When he learns that everything about me, is everythng he wants to be, he freaks out. I don't have cool teeth or a great body or a nice car, but I got his woman laying in bed with him telling him to make his habits and actions more like mine.

Patten is: first I tell him this, then he tells her this, then she tells him this, then he gets stupid and corrupt and that shuts him down.

The hardest part for him, is to shut up and not tell her this.

Most of these guys had a choice, between 11 and 15 years old they could work with me and proper adult instructors, or they could take candy from the School System, then they take the school system's offer, and ignore me and all adults who could have shown them proper work habits and a skill, and they learn to betray and abandon their friends and family, selling information about those closest to them, and believing a mercenary lifestyle will provide for their needs and others.

Then they get out of school and find out it was all a lie, and by that time nobody will ever trust them again.

Real competition is almost always about the quality of craftsmanship of a product built by hand.

The treachery is almost always about stopping the disruptions to the supply line of the instruction, tools, and materials to generate that high quaility product. So treachery is almost always for your family or friends who are being paid by idiots to slow down your work.

Before the treachery,there can be a time,a holding space, that allows time for maneuver.

Without that there is a real fury, that almost no strategy can overcome.

Being perpetually stuck in that holding space is a method to pretty much stop any rational progress.

Stuck between fury and putting two hundred close friends in a federal prison, is a good time to get into blogging.


Dr.Alistair said...

i`m not sure i completely are jumping from the guy to you in the narrative. i sense there is something important in what you are trying to say so i would appreciate if you would clarify.

federal prison? that`s a lot of heavy negative karma brother...........