Saturday, February 18, 2006


guilt is a trap. we have been conditioned to have a conscience and as a result we feel guity if we don`t act within this conditioned framework. this one mechanism has trapped us in the grip of our own mind`s inability to realise that we have constructed a prison for ourselves with what we have been taught to feel.
we feel we must contribute to causes. we must be sympathetic to special interests. we must accept more and more services for our own good. meanwhile the noose tightens around our necks.
we avoid the call of the quiet voice inside that tells us that we need to love ourselves first. we must begin to nurture and respect our own existance. where is the save the me foundation?
i`m doing all the conscious existance, shouldn`t i matter?
when you choose to make yourself matter then the whole thing turns upside down. you are now the divine creator. it`s your eyes that are doing the viewing and the editing and the distorting.
view and edit and distort without the guilt and the anxiety about not doing nothing until you know how it will benifit you. otherwise there will be less and less of you to go around.
notice how the language and gestures of guilt are deep within the fabric of our communications and language. that`s how church and government and advertising executives gain thier control over you.
people make images that are broadcast over radio and t.v. that make you feel so guity and horrid and powerless that unless you send them money you are going to feel like shit all day.
we have to spend money to just feel better?
go at the root of it. the guilt.
make a conscious effort to recognise when you are being manipulated by guilt. or when you are doing it yourself.............
and stop it.
your life will improve immediately. the very first time you do it.
why? because you`ve taken back your personal power. your self-esteem. you have moved one step closer to loving yourself unconditionally.
unconditional love of the self is the foundation upon which your spiritual life must be built. otherwise you will be forced back by everyone who needs a piece of what you have.
it`s going to be tough. you can`t sell this idea to the next person. they are hypnotised by years of conditioning. you are able to accept this now because your consciousness is waking up.
you still have some doubts.
that is where your conditioning is pulling at you.
you feel as if turning toward your own needs deprives those in need.
yes it does.
but you need it more.........if you want to be free and happy and grin from ear to ear with the joy and abundance of life at the very touch of existance upon your soul.
the great mystical traditions teach this as the first step to enlightenment.
the church vowed to erase this idea from the face of the planet. they teach guilt that binds to obligation. that`s why it`s so hard to break the habit. but the quiet voice inside says that you must now begin. the church began killing wholesale from the 3rd century onwards. they`ve been at it ever since. the whole planet is on fire with the rage created by guilty souls.
you just have to decide to stop and you stop being part of the horror.
as more of us start to love ourselves we will be incapable of hating or harming others. it will be automatic. there will be no need for honorable soldiers. no cheating governments. we will demand honesty, integrity and not accept enforcement down the barrel of a gun.
when we choose to start.


Dr.Alistair said...

fighting. ego. if it`s unimportant who wins the arguement then the energy goes out of the situation.
the pain of endings is amplified by your own ego`s need to be possessing another person.
possess yourself. that`s the key.
by refusing to treat yourself without unconditional love.
choose to be with people who honour that by being that way with themselves.
deal with your own shit and when you are ready look for people who do the same.
that`s unconditional love in simple terms.
when you are full of energy run as hard as you can.
when you are tired, rest.
be honest......with yourself.
go deep inside and decide.
then let the universe take care of the details.
it`s really good at it.
let`s look at a list of things it can do.
it can make mountains.
it can make vast oceans.
can make clouds that go on for miles.
it can make all of history and computers and tigers and hummingbirds and the most delicate flowers that spread out impossibly across a hillside.
it can make space and time and mysteries and fantasies and paradoxes that twist intelect and jokes and tears and the deepest satisfaction and the greatest joy imaginable.
we can`t compete with that, so why try.
all we have to do is see our part in it!
it takes practice and reminders.
you came here with questions and are at a point where you can recognise these things.
this is an indication that you are ready to learn.
many are incapable of even seeing these words on the screen.
they see different things.
that is thier path.
you have asked the universe in such a way that answers are coming now and that you can accept the answers.
you have applied some of the concepts and validated them for your path.
this is growth.
nothing can stand in the way of such awareness.
each day of awareness in this way will bring you more confidence. it is just the begining.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes, it is about every day. just like life!
too much of what we demand in life is a "set it and leave it" sort of automatic approach. life is a participation sport.