Monday, February 27, 2006


what is t.v.? it is a mechanism that fires streams of photons into your eyes. these photons are arranged in ways that emulate images from life and the ideas that people have about life. we call the content of this media "entertainment". what this entertainment does is that it lulls us into a suggestable trance state so that we are ready to recieve messages about consumer products, social mores and politics.
and it predisposes us to consuming more t.v.
the mind needs a constant rich stream of information of a changing nature to remain interested in a subject. you have only to remember fighting to stay awake in geography class to understand the concept.
t.v. is so low data rich that after about 15 or 20 minutes our conscious mind begings to go to sleep. we are then left to accept whatever images roll across the screen.
then we go to the grocery store and buy whatever seems most familiar to us. the people who pay for the most ads are the same people who have the expensive soap to sell.
and cookies.
and deodorant.
and shampoo.
and politicians.
so, if you want my advice.............don`t fall asleep in front of the t.v., in fact don`t watch it at all.


Dr.Alistair said...

bugs bunny is almost as sarcastic as i am!
as with all aspects of consciousness, being aware of ourselves in consciousness is the key. seein ghow our mind is changing while we watch t.v. is interesting because the process is a struggle to remain alert. even while the cartoons are on.
the t.v. content is only there to fill the gaps between commercials.
t.v. isn`t an entertainment and information delivery device. it`s commercial broadcasting implement. millions of brains are attached to this pipeline.
if ted rogers and rupert murdock have thier way the computer will too.
unlimited bandwidth isn`t necessarily the best news for the internet community.

Dr.Alistair said...

luck is nothing to do with it. it is your decisions from now on that will determine the outcome and how you experience the process.
my thoughts will be with you.
choosing to see what you really want to have occur is the next step. and letting the universe take care of the details.

Dr.Alistair said...

the challenge to the self is to understand what you truly need. you went from being concerned with your health to a dose of pain over a relationship. the process of grief goes from denial to negotiation to acceptance. when we choose to reinstall feelings by doing things like calling an old boyfriend, then all the good stuff that you`ve done for yourself comes undone.
you don`t need more pain now.
smiling always works.
remember to love your humanity.
all the human-ness that you are experiencing now.
it`s easy when the sun is out and the birds are singing.
but now it`s most important.
remember how to get back to awareness of your unconditional state of love for you.
you`ve done it quite recently.
the blessings of others are meaningless without the blessings you give yourself.
it applies on the soccer field as in life. 95% work. running, running, running.........then bang, you score a goal.
preparedness. you wouldn`t have the opportunity to score the goal without all the running.
love the running.
disappear into the running.
become running it`s self.
an act of unconditional love for yourself is to run all the time........goalscoring happens automatically then.

Dr.Alistair said...

well, it is vital to grieve about the relationship. it has the potential to be a block to other things that you are ready to get to in your life.
running is about discipline.
running is about technique.
running is about joy.
children run out of innocent celebration of life.
adults can get back to that joy.
grief is about running through the anger, the denial, the bargaining, the depression and the final goal is a sense of acceptance.
being self-aware of the process, as you described, allows you to have a calm witnessing of the process.
do not grasp at any of the states you experience throughout this or any other event in your life. it is the grasping that causes the pain.
even the good things must pass.
emotions come and go.
we are physiological beasts. we cannot physically grasp forever. our limbs become tired.
it is so with our minds also.
it is the anger and demanding that we become immortal somehow and grab and hold on forever that is ego.....fear.
open your heart and let yourself fall away...........
that is unconditional love.
you will always be conscious. smiling.
what can you do with that much strength?