Saturday, February 25, 2006

a lesson......

one of my clients came to a session excited because she had bought herself a new coat because she felt so good about herself.
it was a beautiful coat and it made her happy. she was smiling and filled up with pleasure.
that`s why it made it difficult to tell her the next thing.
out of loving ones self it is not about having things. we need a coat to keep us warm when it`s cold........
an act of unconditional love for one`s self would be to recognise that a coat is fine, but not today......
i`m o.k. without it.
and walking out of the store and watching as the feelings for a coat are replaced by the feeling that things really are alright.
the state of having a coat or not is totally seperate from loving one`s self unconditionally.
if it`s snowing outside, wear a coat.
buy a coat if you need one.
don`t buy a coat to feel good.
feel good unconditionally first.
it is the only thing.
a million coats are not going to warm a person without unconditional love for themselves.
it was a beautiful coat though........and she understood what i meant.


Dr.Alistair said...

it is the moments that we choose to put together without pain and fear that we consider to be a life worth living. painting or walking or reading or spiritual practice are parts of too. you don`t necessarily have to buy something, unless you need to.
regarding payment, it is payment enough to know that there is one more soul released in the world. if for a moment.
we are all learning here.
freedom and growth occur together with others.
my work here with my clients in one thing, but i feel that there is a need to expand out and speak to others. those who couldn`t necessarily hear this otherwise.
payment. i would like to think that you could go forward and practice the joy in your life and touch others with some of the ideas. not as a crusade, but through quiet people who will listen for a moment.
that, for me, is payment enough.

Dr.Alistair said...

unattach from the idea of payment.
at is all taken care the trees and mountains and everything else. our thoughts, our happiness, everything.
it has taken a great effort to stop the flow of abundance in our lives.
that is the tragic joke in all of this.
it takes massive amounts of energy to limit ourselves.
stop it.
you are begining to learn how...............

Dr.Alistair said...

frankly, i have always prefered definite models to probable models. it`s all definitely happening now. whenever we try to look into a future all we are ever going to get is probabilities.
just ask shroedinger`s cat(s).
without a doubt, the words we use and choose to use are evocations in a magical realm known as reality.
the movie, "what the bleep do we know" is an overview of the idea of perception as reality.
the definite model is the "proved" every moment you are in joy.
this joy is a signpost on your journey in the perpetual now of your life.
you will find yourself in a meeting having this thought and smiling.
you will recognise this in the smiles of others......the smiles in the eyes.