Tuesday, October 10, 2006

choose good feelings for no reason.

my favorite expression. because there is no reason to choose good feelings. in fact if you are reasonable about it you won`t choose good fellings.

you might even reason that you can`t choose good feelings.

but you`d be wrong.

you just have to drop the whole "reason" thing altogether. reason will trip you, trap you and stop you from just simply choosing good feelings.

having good felings is a simple as remembering the last time you had good feelings. see what you saw, what you heard and what you felt. really take the time to build up the feelings the come to you when you remember like this. reliving the very moments that made you feel happy and do that now as you remember.

see........you had good feelings for no reason at all.

except that it will create anything you want in your life life magic.

just by feeling good for one moment longer.........each time you think about it. now.


Vincent said...

I recognise what you are talking about because I did meditation and followed a guru for more years than I care to admit and the general idea was to do as you propose. Having chucked that out of my life about five years ago, I still feel the immense relief of enjoying my real unforced feelings, 24 hours a day: being their recipient and not their dictator. (& this is my abiding disagreement with NLP)

Dr.Alistair said...

hmmm, maybe i`m just not there yet.

i have been accused of being that guru though, so i can see where you are coming from.

the majority of the teeming masses where i am are coming to a point where the promises of thier careers, marriages etc. are becoming desperately meaningless and are loooking to find something more. this is the begining of a new path, one which you have possibly traveled further down.

"forcing" happiness, as you characterise it is far better than being weighed down by the "natural" depression and frustration and betrayal that some are experiencing now at the end of the industrial age.

Vincent said...

Well, you encourage me a little. I've been giving my therapy clients pep-talks of great positiveness - because I see so much possibility in their lives - and then I reflect that this is not empowering to them because they need to discover themselves in their own time.

I see that whilst I let myself be, without concern for what I think and what I feel, for I trust it, I do intuitively try to inject these positive ideas in them: it's hard not to.

Perhaps, according to your view, it is not so bad what I'm doing after all. But at the end of this month I am going to a continuing practice development session with my supervisor and the creator of the therapy, so there will be a chance to get it all sorted.

Dr.Alistair said...

i wonder who the therapy is for at times........
i see therapy as another conversation in the continuing dialog we are all having. if the client is moved, all the better.
as the shaman i am already on the outside.....those who arrive at my door have already traveled some distance on thier own.