Friday, October 06, 2006

daniel pinchbeck.

daniel pinchbeck claims he`s the reincarnation, or a channel of the ancient south american god, quetzlcoatl. now, i don`t know the man or really understand much about south american gods........but i will say that i`ve had more than a few mystical experiences myself and see some of what daniel is driving at regarding our consciousness and divinity.

my view is that we are all gods. we have a direct access to divinity because it`s who we are.

there have been others who have said simlar things and have been nailed to a tree for thier trouble. crucifixion has many metaphors, one of which is being ridiculed. another is being shunned, either intellectually, professionally or financially. either way, saying what daniel, or i say is not a road to success in society.

so why say it at all?

to find meaning. consensus. people with similar views and experience.

many of the things that i experienced growing up caused me great concern. as i got older i was able to accept them and get on with a fairly normal childhood.

but as one gets older it becomes important to honour the part of the self that is experiencing these things and begin to seek out others who have experienced these things.

that`s what this blog is about.

i have just reminded myself..................


Anonymous said...

The way I see it is someone may or may not be channeling Quetzalcoatl, but to jump to the conclusion that only focuses on that one potential, while ignoring other possibilities of what may be occuring/manifesting within, could possibly be deceiving one's-self from a more direct understanding of what actually is. Of course, if someone believes that what actually is, is subjective, then what benefit is there in saying it actually is Quetzalcoatl, as opposed to saying it may be something else entirely?

Never-the-less, if believing in something that is/isn't true grants one's-self capabilities that may appear abnormal to a seemingly opposing culture, which is more important; truth or capabilities? What is Quetzalcoatl to someone, may be psychokinesis, or what-have-you, to another.

Think of it this way, channeling is very similar to the idea of voodoo, in that there is some seemingly outside force altering someone's body &/or lifepath(s) &/or consensus reality that we all share. Drawing on that metaphor now, have a look see into this video by Derren Brown (video)

Metaphorically, Quetzalcoatl could've been that ring, and the effect(s) could've been the body/soul's reaction to that percieved/understood metaphor, unlocking one's own capabilities that may have been conditioned out of one's understood idea of what consensus reality may be. Either way, they're both fine

By the way, on a related note, did you happen to come accross the recent conversation Pinchbeck had with Rushkoff? (link)

Dr.Alistair said...

derren brown is a hypnotist. that`s what i do. i take people`s belief in what i do and allow them to make it heal them. there is no such thing as hypnosis. there is the power of people`s beliefs though. without that there would be no healing.
i didn`t read pinchbeck`s converstion with rushkoff. i did`nt see it posted on the link it available somewhere?
regarding pinchbeck`s characterisation of his experience........i think his work is more of a striving for context that a messiah complex, but it has challenged the intellectual crowd, who are craving actual experience themselves.

Dr.Alistair said...

the spirit entering us or feeling that it`s already there within us..........i like to think that is what is happening.
i believe that the spirit is already inside. it`s a subtle spirit........or in some it`s almost undetectable, whilst in others it blazes away like a beacon.
or that might just be ego.........

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I looked for anything (transcripts, audio, video, etc) of the Pinchbeck Rushkoff conversation, but failed to find it yet. Seemed like it would've been an interesting interference-pattern to find, if it's out there

As far as hypnosis, I believe that a majority of hypnosis is actually, for the most part, self-hypnosis made possible by the belief in the hypnotist's abilities. That's why hypnosis on someone who is asleep, has little if any effect, because it needs that conscious bridge between the waking mind and the body mind.

However, likewise, someone may start out disbelieving, but through ideas &/or inherently-almost-unavoidable psychological-effects that can be induced & perceived by the one being hypnotized, they can begin to start believing more than they thought they could; and then progressively deepen into trance through that window of belief.

At least, that's the way I understand it. However, I could be wrong, as I've never actually done any lengthy hypnosis on anyone, only my own self-hypnosis. As well as watching & listening to lots & lots of audio & video of bandler, la valle, chris howard, and kenrick cleveland, among others

I'm still digesting the massive quantities of information, and am now in the what now stage, figure how to integrate it all into what I do &/or into something new. Which somehow led me to stuff by magician & mentalist Criss Angel, and now on to all of Derren Brown's stuff (examples)

I wonder if there are better ways to integrate magic & mentalism to open up that connection in people (similar to, or including, rapport) to create in individuals, involuntary changes that border on the edge of supernatural. Who was it, I think maybe McKenna, that said if someone could walk through a wall (or a window), then nlp could break it down into sizable chunks so that others could do it as well. Obviously that's a bit extreme, but I've had my fair share of seemingly-abnormal occurances.

...or maybe I'll help redesign the ghastly nlp websites, lol, as web-design is one of my professions. It seems as though Bandler & La Valle have used time distortion, and many of their websites still reside in the year of 1997. Actually no no, make that the year 106:

Dr.Alistair said...

yeah, it`s funny that. i am in the midst of redoing my website at it`s not open yet but we are hoping to get it up in the next two weeks.
i do behaviour change work professionally and i agree that the trance state is a self-hypnosis. i have been doing it to myself since i was a child and have been able to achieve some remarkable deep states for extended periods....,e.i. my entire teen years!
derren brown admits that he was self-taught for the most part and i realised i wanted to be a hypnotist ever since i saw don kellar hypnotise patty l`orange in grade eight up beside the gym 4 lockers.
i never forgot that event. i use pattern interupt inductions in seminars, like derren did to the girl in the video. it has the effect of stunning the whole audience. it changes people`s perception of thier entire world when they see that.
bandler was the guy who talked about modeling behaviour in one person and teaching the next person how to do it.
his teaching changed my life. thanks to him i give lectures and do seminars on nlp and hypnosis to professionals without a script and go on for hours in workshops doing time distortion, catalepsy, pain reduction,`s like one long stand-up routine and people love it.....because it`s all about them. i have people lining up to volunteer to be the next subject.
what next? i found that bandler`s work starts to come out of me at unexpected moments. i spent so much time looking at his videos and listening to his audio that it is embedded deep in me somewhere. that`s his intention. that`s what ido with my clients. put the stuff in there and let it sit and tick away until it rises up and runs for them.

Anonymous said...

The first of 4 videos are live. Don't know when the next 3 will be up; but will be added at the link below when they are

Post-Modern Prophecy: Urgent Myths For Urgent Times; a dialogue between Daniel Pinchbeck & Douglas Rushkoff:

Anonymous said...

The first of 4 videos are live. Don't know when the next 3 will be up; but will be added at the link below when they are

Post-Modern Prophecy: Urgent Myths For Urgent Times; a dialogue between Daniel Pinchbeck & Douglas Rushkoff (link)

Dr.Alistair said...

francis, thanks for the link. the video gives a great insight into how pinchbeck is still in awe of his experience with ethogens and his connexion with quetzlcoatl.
he would be the first to admit that he isn`t unique in his experience though. we all connect to higher levels of conciousness at times, whether under the influence of hallucinigens or extreme duress. our interpretation of these experiences in words that others can understand sometimes fails......mostly fails, unless the reader has had similar experiences.