Tuesday, October 03, 2006


ever do those maze puzzles as a kid? you know, the ones in the book where you have a pencil and you have to find your way out................
i was having supper with my kids and they were doing one each on the placemat waiting for the food to arrive. my oldest boy is ten and he was making good progress but stopped suddenly and asked me for help....so i took the pencil and drew a line from where he stopped to the exit straight across the page. he laughed because he realised that was a perfectly good solution.

it`s all about the perception of what a boundary is in your life.

what`s stopping you?

something real or something like lines of ink on a page.......or something you heard a long time ago and you keep repeating over and over to yourself like it was a fact?

or something else that`s in your imagination that`s holding you back?

pick up the pencil and draw a line straight to the goal..........

now how do you feel?

1 comment:

Dr.Alistair said...

the balance between play and asking for guidance is the key and remembering the joy of childhood. the joy of surprise at the insight gained by realising that the maze is only ink on paperand that we are free to choose our own direction with our own marking device, our consciousness.......in the maze of life.