Tuesday, May 09, 2006


we are striving to complete things. afraid to leave anything undone, any task unfinished. we go about this tasking with such obsession that we don`t stop to think what is really going on.
what is actually going on is that we are trying to feel better.
why don`t we feel good?
someone, or series of people told us that we are insubstantial.
not quite good enough yet.
keep trying.
no, that`s not it........but keep it up.
you have to try harder.
work harder.
got to keep going.
seem familiar?
it`s inside all of us. it`s a few lines of instruction that we run every now and then to make ourselves feel like crap.......right out of the blue........and then go about our day.
the truth is that we are complete already, we are done now. job finished. we exist perfectly in the moment (whatever that means.) and in completion there is no judgement possible.
and none can be accepted.
when we realise that we are like a man with nothing to lose, we will try anything and suggest anything and attempt anything and succeed at anything, just by putting one foot in front of the other and breathing in and out and getting on with completion.
what do we have to lose?


Dr.Alistair said...

well, just for that i will do it again.......:-)

Dr.Alistair said...

it is always the right time for kind words...........thank you.