Friday, March 17, 2006

mind your own business.

there is one thing that we can all do easily and if everyone did it for a day, just as an experiment, the world would be a better place........immediately.
mind our own business.
just focus on what is going on inside our own heads. the sights and sounds of our own minds are a universe that most people never begin to explore for the simple reason that they are too busy looking at what someone else is up to.
why is that?
well........from the time we are very small we are told to be aware that there are other people in the world and that we have to do things so that these people will be happy. parents, teachers, nieghbours, friends, associates, etc. all of these people are to be considered as we plan our time in a day. this pressure to observe the actions and attitudes of others conditons us to trade energy with everyone in a dynamic of negotiation for "o.k. ness".
we are made to feel that we need to check to see if everyone is o.k. all the time.
now, this would be a reasonable situation if the playing field was level and we could trade "o.k." for "o.k" and get equal value each time we did a deal.
but the reality is that people cheat, lie and steal. anything and everything they can. the bits of "o.k." that we are trading are no different than any other commodity we have to trade with other people. so.........sometimes we get ripped off for our "o.k." .
you know how that feels. betrayal. hurt. pain.........
why does this happen again?
because we are made to feel responsible for the feelings of others.
we are given a conscience.
we get guilt as a result.
this leads to crimes.
if we can just mind our own business for a while then we can focus on our own shit with the knowledge that everyone else is doing the same thing........and we can relax and smile at people and not worry about our actions being misunderstood or manipulated or rejected.
no more mental illness.
no more power struggles.
99% less government.
no cops. (who would do the job anymore?)
no more guns.......nothing to force on people.
it reminds me of an experiment that a man called timothy leary did with prisoners in the early sixties. he gave them lsd, a powerful hallucinegenic drug, in a controlled environment where the prisoners would be supervised during the process.
95% of the prisoners who went through the process were able to face thier deepest fears and memories in a few short hours and realised that these issues had put them in an institution. these prisoners, when released from jail, never returned. they were able to deal with thier own issues instead of making the issues someone elses responsibility.
that is the essence of taking responsibility for what goes on in our heads. we are the only one who can, ultimately, do the work.
none of the other six and a half billion people here on the planet can.
we each have to do our bit and when we do, we get off everyone else`s case just that little bit and the pressure eases.
we now return you to regular programming...............


Dr.Alistair said...

it begins with acceptance. not with a shrug and resignation, but with the knowledge that with that acceptance comes unconditional love for everything. it is a letting go of binding fears and anxieties and all the negative feelings of being jealous of pretty princesses and gowns and castles and being comfotable in the moment. wherever that is.

Dr.Alistair said...

yes, saturday is a holiday for office people...but those who work for themselves like me don`t necessarily take saturday off, but it is nice to spend time with the boys.

Dr.Alistair said...

insight comes when we choose to accept it into our consciousness. it is another aspect of recognition. re-knowing.

Dr.Alistair said...

you will have a difficult time proving that anything exists outside the self........