Sunday, March 19, 2006


what conversation goes on in your head?
what was the last thing that you said to yourself that made you do something?
really think now, what were the words you used, what tone of voice did you use, were you nice about it or were you demanding?

when you think for a minute about what goes on in your head while you are travelling around you are quite surprised to find that you go through a rainbow of emotions while talking to yourself. your mood varies based on how you manage to accomplish the things you need to do in your day.
what kind of mood are you in while you are telling yourself what to do?
be honest about this..............becase it`s about as important as it gets.
would you talk to other people this way?
how would you like to be talked to if you had a choice?
imagine talking to yourself like that right now. be careful to notice the tone, volume and rhythm of the voice that is encouraging you to do things the way you want to be spoken to.
once you have a model for this ideal voice in your head, then practice seeing how you respond to varying the volume, tone and speed of the voice. do you notice differences in how you feel as a response?
notice the difference between how you would like to be spoken to and how you have found yourself talking in the past.
the voice in your head makes your feet go. where your feet go, your consciousness follows.
change the driver, change the road...............
change your world.
p.s......... if you have a favorite actor or person you know you can use thier voice in your head as a model. this favorite voice can be the guide to your next great accomplishment. or meditation.

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