Monday, March 20, 2006

robert anton wilson.....

the words of a human. if i may offer them now as a gift..........i`m sure he would be pleased.


Anonymous said...

Have you got some personal favourites among his many works ?

Dr.Alistair said...

i am constantly re-reading his work and getting new insights as a result. his maybe logic dvd is brilliant. the cosmic trigger is a good insight into the mind of a person questioning things in a meaningful way. i compare him to the spiritual level of alan watts with the humour and irreverence of terence mckenna. with the strength and scope of the internet there is a vast audio and literary library of thier works available online at no cost.
i would recommend the cosmic trigger as good place to start as a history of wilson`s thinking. if you like wilson i would recommend richard bandler. his comedic delivery of deep subject matter makes learning a joy.