Wednesday, March 22, 2006

if you love soccer.........................
this is a peer-to-peer software product that allows people to watch live soccer anywhere in the world for free. now, i`m not into theft. i have a cable subscription for international soccer and i pay $600 cdn. for it per year. the problem is our government body, the crtc, decides which games are going to be shown and even then they pre-empt them for canadian content when they feel like it. so, i have no moral or ethical problem with utilising pplive to watch the games that i already paid to see.
tell your friends. the more people use the network the more stable it becomes. that`s how p2p operates. each node or viewing computer that comes online stores part of the data and passes it to the next person coming onto the network. the more people sharing means that there is less buffer time for the signal.
happy viewing. :-)


Dr.Alistair said...

you could say that. i think it`s more than that.......
a compulsion, an addiction, a mania. sometimes i wonder what`s wrong with me, while all the other 45 year olds are getting fat and sitting home watching t.v. i`m riding my bike, lifting weights and playing soccer twice a week with guys 15 years younger than me.
no, i`ts more than love.

Dr.Alistair said...

so very kind of you to say so.....i have one knee that is in it`s early 60`s though!

Dr.Alistair said...

but in all seriousness, i think a lot of what passes for aging in modern society is stress. a negative reaction to life`s challenges prematurely ages people. the sum total of how you react to your environment is manifested in your physical appearance. i think that is why we put such value on appearance.

martin said...

so, who do you support then?

Dr.Alistair said...

i grew up in reading in the sixties and was a chelsea fan. i have supported liverpool since i moved to canada and i chose to follow them initially because the team i played for was all red........we won all our games when i was 13 and we were provincial champions in quebec, canada. i had no other way of choosing a team in those days because we didn`t have any t.v. coverage of footbal then. i still have a soft spot for chelsea an reading is on the way up but liverpool will always be my team.