the legal ghost is the entity created by the state known as you and me. a corporate entity known as alistair as indicated on my driver`s licence in capital letters. this legal fiction is created to do business with the state regarding laws like the highway traffic act and income tax. eldon will answers questions that you have on this matter. for further reading you can check; i hadn`t intended for this to be a legal forum as we would never get back to matters of spirituality, but it is useful to see how spirit can be bound up in words for all manner of intents.
My name is Alistair Kinnear. I am a Certified Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner and Life Coach, and I am working on my Doctorate in Divinity. I work in helping people to change behaviour and I like to think that I am waking up their spirit in the process.
bullying is a good word for it.
Has Eldon G. Warman identified a "legal ghost" or is it his imagination ?
the legal ghost is the entity created by the state known as you and me. a corporate entity known as alistair as indicated on my driver`s licence in capital letters. this legal fiction is created to do business with the state regarding laws like the highway traffic act and income tax.
eldon will answers questions that you have on this matter.
for further reading you can check;
i hadn`t intended for this to be a legal forum as we would never get back to matters of spirituality, but it is useful to see how spirit can be bound up in words for all manner of intents.
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