Sunday, March 05, 2006

spiritual practice in everyday life.

spiritual practice is a tool that we apply to our consciousness so that we can live our lives. does your spiritual practice infect your day to day existance?
there are those who would be embarrassed to have thier spiritual beliefs and practices known publicly, yet it is thier spiritual practice emerging into thier life that makes the whole thing worthwhile.
the spirit is crying out to be here. it is our ability to be in this state as we do what we do that is the purpose of the practice of consciousness awareness in the first place.
to keep it in a box is trapping the self.
how do we make our spiritual paractice part of our daily life?
well, we may already be doing just that. it may presumptuous of me to suggest that we hide our light under a blanket...........but the fact remains that we are all too ready to dial down the smiles at times, for fear of offending the serious livers of life.
there is an old joke where a man goes to heaven and he`s being shown around heaven by st.peter. st.peter shows him all the great stuff that they have and when all the good stuff happens. then they walk past a great wall that stretches of forever in both directions and st.peter says, " o.k. you have to keep quiet within twenty feet of this wall at all times, because the catholics live on the other side and they think they`re the only ones here."
there are too many serious livers of life blocking the flow of happiness, doing only the "right things" and making judgements constantly and depriving themselves of thier own spirit with every step.
let what you learn out from under the blanket in your waking life, in the warm sunlight, and to hell with what others doesn`t matter what they think. it doesn`t even matter what you think.
all of the thinking is immaterial.
look at all the thinking going on.
is anyone getting anywhere?
and don`t mind the grumpy cat, he doesn`t like getting his picture taken.


Dr.Alistair said...

you are at a point where you are going to find intuitive answers coming, like a voice in your head, that will allow you create thinking states that will allow you to deal with things in a different way now.
your life will never be the same.
the ideas that you have about enlightenment are becoming clearer.
the tools are there for you to pick up and work with. 95% of the game is work. the 5% is the conscious enlightenment. the realisation that you can do things differently and react to situations differently, thereby having a different life.
fear? that`s a roadblock on your path that you choose to give as much validity, power and control as you want. ignore it and it goes away.
see how others have chosen to allow fear into thier lives in creative ways that rob them of thier spiritual freedom.
making that distinction is insightful because we have all done that at one time and will continue unless we recognise the process as one we can exert control over.

Dr.Alistair said...

about the book. i have thought about the idea for years. the time is coming, as i find my voice, to write a book. i see my writing as i do my is a personal thing. i am learning to share..........
my ego says yes! get published, tell your friends, etc. my heart says the the time in near but i`m not quite ready yet. much like my music.
your kind words help.

Dr.Alistair said...

that woman is unable to face her fears. without love she will always be trapped in a cycle of hostility.
it`s none of your concern what she`s experiencing. if she were to ask you about things you could tell her about what you have experienced, but what is important is that you have asserted your love for your self.
the head nurse had the opportunity to grow in the process too.